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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Complexion Quandary Number 2: Uneven Skin Tone & Pigmentation

Pigmentation comes in different colors and form. Some have tiny red, bluish gray or brown spots left over from pimples that have already healed. While some have brown patches (more commonly known as freckles) that have resulted from too much unprotected time in the sun. It was learned that these hyperpigmentations, regardless of the color, have taken years to develop, but thanks to technological advancements, there's actually more hope than you know it to erase these pesky marks.

As always, we have to know the enemy.

1. Acne marks' dark complexions take longer to fade when you go outside unguarded by sunscreen.

2. Beach vacations are written all over your face. The sun-kissed "glow" you thought you get after being outside is actually sun-induced injury to the skin. When your tan fades, the skin becomes freckled, mottled and leathery than before.

3. Melasma. It is a hereditary condition but hormonal changes can also trigger it.

4. Rosacea may result in permanent red blotches, especially around the nose and cheeks, and these usually worsend with age if you are frequently exposed to wind and extreme temperature and drink a little too much alcohol.

5. Those with darker skin types (Asian, African, Latin, Indian) are more prone to hyperpigmentation.


1. Get protected! Find a good sunscreen. First, it prevents spots from appearing in the first place by staving off damage from ultraviolet light. Second, it stops the sun from further darkening existing marks. Everyone should slick on an SPF of at least 15 before going outside - may it be for simple errands or lounging in the sand under the extreme heat of the sun. And! Be sure to reapply for every two hours of sun exposure. We recommend V&M Naturals Keep Safe Sunblock with SPF 35 for a matte and shine-free finish. Apply after moisturizer and before the primer.

2. Dose up with antioxidants - such as those occuring in green tea and vitamins E and C. They're found to help mop up free radicals generated by sunlight. Free radicals can cause not only freckles and blemishes, but also skin cancer if left unchecked.

3. Choose healthy topical fading products. Good lotions and creams containing natural and healthy ingredients are designed to brighten mottled or spotty skin. V&M Naturals Supernatural Herbal Magic Cream contains just the right amount of alpha hydroxy acid, which is known to properly slough off the top layers of the skin. You should know that though topical fade treatments work to erase these marks, it takes weeks-months of diligent use to show the results you want to achieve. The duration always depends on the severity of the condition.

*Photo Source: Google.com.ph for Green Tea
Reference: Universal Beauty by Cara Burnbaum


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