We got this email from one of our most recent clients, Ms. Shiela Quintos. I personally met her at one of our bazaars this month and it was her first time to ever try our products. Well she thinks this is too gushy, but it fits just right our liking, hence the feature. :) Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we do. :)
Feel free to send in your testimonials, we feature select testimonials on our official website. :)
I know you get a lot of raves about your products and what I have to say may not be anything new but nevertheless I just wanted to drop in mine- albeit lengthy thoughts on the products I tried. I know you're a busy lady so this one's just for when you're stuck in a queue and wants to read anything.

Hi Ms. Jamie,
It's been nine days since I first met you and your products at the tent bazaar, Rockwell. I bought an under-armour package, 300g cleo rub and radiance cream- before these - Mariel, a fan of the detox lipbalm, handed me one that she swore by. This led to hours (days...) spent browsing your multiply account.
I went to the bazaar for the sole purpose of seeing your products first hand and any finds from other shops would've just been a bonus...The trip was well worth it and this is only the 2nd time I've spent so much on products in one go my entire life. I'm not the typical kikay girl and is too lazy to stick to regimens. It really is quite a feat that I've stuck to your products these past 9 days. I'm in the habit of buying stuff and not finishing it (this drives mi mama crazy)... Guess what? The 100g minty BIA which was said to be enough to last a month is all out and I already met up with a very nice and very preggy Ms. Mich to replenish. The CPC+G and radiance cream that are supposed to last a long time are all gone.
No visible effect on my use of the bikini bomb and CPC+G yet but I am not in a hurry. A bit odd that chicken skin on my UA is still there but the the skin feels soft and smooth. I'm thinking it could be the initial effect I am getting.
Needless to say I absolutely loved the minty BIA cream. The switch between the plain and minty variant on my purchase was a fortuitous event indeed. I was wary of anything mentholated since I was advised to avoid it while I am still recovering from an unexplained allergic reaction from anything menthol on my lips hence my initial request for a plain BIA.. but oh my, my, my.. the minty BIA was such a novel experience I had to hold on to it till I at least see my dermatologist and get it cleared. It had no adverse reaction on my body anyway. I was beyond glad when the doc gave her go ahead.

Seriously, I will never allow myself to run out of this.
The cleo rub had a good feel on my skin also. No greasy, icky feeling and is all good. It was overshadowed by the minty BIA though.

So I bought a small tub of 60ml to use for the cleo rub. I bought a huge 300g tub and it is awkward to tote around. So the small tub stays in my bag and I use it to moisturize my hands. The a/c at the office is pretty cold and the minty BIA will not help me in this regard. haha..
The emu radiance cream is a puzzle to me. I can see that my face is recovering from it's dry state and yet the feel of the cream is powdery. I can't wait to get cleared for make up again. I can imagine it to be the perfect base to use for make up. I used it twice a day since I got it (i started using it the night I bought it.. haha) and loved every moment I had it on.
Another definite keeper is the under-armour. It had no overpowering scent and is quite light on the skin. I'm just wondering though if the spray was designed to be that tight. I am having a hard time spraying it since I have to press really hard. Sometimes I end up spraying it on my shoulders or face.
The butter balm (lip detox) didn't work for me because of its peppermint content. Any chance for a plain variant?

I am planning to get the emu oil and a striptease summer promo (package 5), and biggest minty BIA available on the 25th at the Grove supersale. Will the promo be available for sale there? I remembered the getting started kit wasn't available at the tent bazaar and I'm just wondering if there are also limitations this coming bazaar. And will there really be items on sale?

Which among your products do you deem to be
Many thanks, Jamie. Hope I didn't wear you out with this email.
Sheila Quintos
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