Poppy Plush Has Changed A Life
... and is continuing to change more, one bar at a time.
This entry though will be devoted to the story of my cousin who contacted a severe case of skin asthma in her teenage years and had it for almost thirty years, now that she is in her early 40's.
This was how her legs and some parts of her body looked like before.

Red patches all over. This skin tragedy truly made her worrisome since she could not even walk properly anymore. She lost her self-esteem and she always needed to wear jeans, jogging pants or jazz pants (when it even hurts to wear her old comfy pair of jeans.)
And this is how her legs look like now after using a bar of poppy plush.
To say that I am happy for her is an understatement. (Ate Ailyn and I are really close in the family) I was teary-eyed when she informed me of the good news because there were times when we felt hopeless about it already. We thank the Lord for this wonderful blessing. Now, we both make it a point that she has this wonder bar in her bathroom, always. :)
To all those who have super sensitive skin and suffer from various skin problems just like this one, I truly recommend Venus and Mars cured handmade soaps especially Poppy Plush because of its organic, mild and non-toxic/nonchemical contents.
Venus and Mars is not just our dream, or a mere story of success. We want to share it to as much people as we can - one bar, bottle or tub at a time, because we care and we aim for you to feel it. :)
We hope that this miracle story has been worth your while. :)
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